Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I haven't posted in a while. Yeah. 'Cause I have nothing to say. It's summer and I'm bored. And I actually might get to fixing that URL. The only problem is that the title of the blog as the URL is already taken. >:( Stupid people .  . . . .

How much wood could a wood pecker peck if a wood pecker could peck wood? Mind = BLOWN.

Yeah, I just blew your mind. But you shouldn't be here in the first place so that's what you get.

Steven Moffat is mean. Look it up and you'll see why. SEASON 3!!!!! *Keels over with fangirlness*

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I just realized that the title of my blog completely contradicts the URL. That is. . . not going to be fixed because frankly, I am too lazy.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So this is my blog. Brand spankin' new, see. I like it. Very. . . roomy. Empty it seems. Oh! Here we go, something to read. What's that. . . oh my profile. Okay, I see now. Nice. Now let's get down to business.

This blog's purpose is to not be read. That's it. I post and no one reads. Just random thoughts that aren't important enough to say out loud. Yeah, fun. Most of the stuff on here will be totally unreadable as I make horrible spelling mistakes while typing and then when the computer tries to fix it.  .  . well, let's just say it ain't pretty.

In school once we read about a horse that got sick and it's airway had to be cut open. I keep wondering: what did it feel like? I mean, besides the sting of the knife and the panic that was most certainly clouding the horse's mind. Like, to breath out of your neck. That would be pretty weird. Like being 'Let's smell the flowers! Oh, yeah, I CAN'T I HAVE TO BREATHE OUT OF MY NECK!!!!' That would kind of suck. the horse died at the end by the way. Just in case you were wondering.

How happy are clams? And how healthy are horses? Because I know, some horses just aren't that healthy. I mean, what if the horse in question has a broken leg and has to be put down? If you were as healthy as that horse well then you'd be on your death bed. And what about those clams? How happy are they really? Like, what if they were going through a divorce? Or maybe they had just lost a loved one? If you were as happy as said clam, you wouldn't be very happy at all.